Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney
Step into the world of relentless creativity with the Killer Innovations Podcast, hosted by Phil McKinney. Since 2005, it has carved its niche in history as the longest-running podcast. Join the community of innovators, designers, creatives, entrepreneurs, and visionaries who are constantly pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo. Discover the power of thinking differently and taking risks to achieve success. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including innovation, technology, business, leadership, creativity, design, and more. Every episode is not just talk; it's about taking action and implementing strategies that can help you become a successful innovator. Each episode provides practical tips, real-life examples, and thought-provoking insights that will challenge your thinking and inspire you to unleash your creativity. The podcast archive: About Phil McKinney: Phil McKinney, CTO of HP (ret) and CEO of CableLabs, has been credited with forming and leading multiple teams that FastCompany and BusinessWeek list as one of the “50 Most Innovative”. His recognition includes Vanity Fair naming him “The Innovation Guru,” MSNBC and Fox Business calling him "The Gadget Guy," and the San Jose Mercury News dubbing him the "chief seer."

[1] Jones, Benjamin, et al. "A Calculation of the Social Returns to Innovation?" National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020. An interesting review of the paper can be found here.


Have you ever found yourself lost in your thoughts, daydreaming, or ideating without barriers? That's your creative imagination at work! Creative imagination is an incredible power within us—it can manifest our hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Unleashing the power of our creative imagination can be the key to realizing our personal and professional goals.

What is Creative Imagination?

Creative imagination is our ability to form mental images, concepts, and ideas that are unique and original. It is the source of our creativity, innovation, and imagination. Our creative imagination enables us to think outside the box and develop unconventional ideas, perspectives, and solutions.

It's a multidimensional process that involves both conscious and subconscious minds. It's a rich blend of our experiences, knowledge, intuition, and emotions. With creative imagination, we can visualize scenarios or solutions that don't yet exist, bridging the gap between the present and myriad possible futures.

Our creative imagination allows us to challenge conventions, break boundaries, and create new paradigms. It empowers us to perceive the world uniquely and interpret our experiences through fresh lenses. From creating a beautiful piece of art to pioneering a groundbreaking scientific theory, the power of creative imagination underlies all forms of human innovation and progress.

Each one of us possesses this power. However, like any other skill, it must be nurtured, cultivated, and practiced to reach its full potential.

How Does Creative Imagination Manifested?

Creative imagination manifests in many ways, including daydreaming, visualization, ideation, and creativity. It is the source of our inspiration, motivation, and passion. Creative imagination is also associated with our ability to create and innovate and our capacity to explore and develop new ways of thinking. We use our creative imagination in our personal and professional endeavors, such as:

1) Problem-solving:

Whether figuring out a complex business challenge at work or deciding the best route to navigate a traffic jam, our creative imagination fuels our problem-solving abilities. It allows us to visualize multiple scenarios and outcomes, helping us to choose the most effective strategies.

2) Art and Creativity:

This is the most apparent manifestation of creative imagination, evident in the works of artists, writers, and musicians. These individuals draw upon their creative imagination to conceive and express unique ideas, emotions, and perspectives.

3) Innovation:

Every groundbreaking invention or discovery in history has been the product of someone's creative imagination. From Thomas Edison's light bulb to Elon Musk's vision for SpaceX, these innovations were once mere thoughts in the minds of their creators.

4) Learning and Education:

Students use creative imagination to understand and remember complex concepts. For instance, a student of history might imagine themselves in a historical event to understand its nuances better.

5) Personal Development:

Creative imagination can guide us in our personal growth and self-improvement efforts. By visualizing our ideal selves, we can map out the steps needed to reach our goals.

So, whether we are conscious of it or not, we constantly use our creative imagination to shape our world and experiences with its power.

The Power of Creative Imagination

Creative imagination has immense power! It can transform our lives by enabling us to serendipitously ideate, create, and innovate. Harnessing the power of our creative imagination can inspire us to achieve our goals and realize our ambitions. We can visualize our perfect lives, careers, and relationships and use our creative imagination to manifest these into reality. Here are some key aspects that highlight its significance:

1) Realizing Possibilities:

Creative imagination empowers us to visualize endless possibilities and solutions beyond ‌our physical senses and immediate environment. It allows us to escape the constraints of the present moment, enabling us to travel in time and anticipate future outcomes. This ability to foresee potential scenarios aids in decision-making and strategizing, thus giving us an advantage in navigating life's challenges.

2) Driving Innovation:

The power of creative imagination is the cornerstone of all technological and societal advancements. It fuels the minds of scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs, enabling them to create products, services, and solutions that reshape our world. Without creative imagination, there would be no iPhone, internet, or electric car.

3) Elevating Artistic Expression:

Creative imagination allows artists, writers, musicians, and performers to conceive and communicate unique ideas, emotions, and narratives in art and literature. It is the foundation of their creative process, transforming abstract thoughts and feelings into tangible works of art.

4) Personal Transformation:

On a personal level, creative imagination aids in self-improvement and personal development. Through visualization techniques, we can imagine our ideal selves, helping us to establish and pursue personal goals. By imagining our desired future, we can align our actions and behavior to those visions, leading to personal transformation and growth.

Increasing Your Creative Imagination

There are several actionable tips and steps to increase your creative imagination, including:

Foster curiosity

Curiosity, the innate desire to know and understand, is a fundamental driver of creative imagination. It prompts us to explore the unknown, question the familiar, and seek new experiences and perspectives. Fostering curiosity is an effective way to stimulate and harness your creative imagination. Here's how:

  1. Embrace the Unknown: Step out of your comfort zone and delve into topics, cultures, or disciplines you know little about. This foray into the unfamiliar can trigger new ideas and insights, stimulating your creative imagination.
  2. Ask Questions: Don't accept things at face value. Instead, ask "why," "how," and "what if" to delve deeper. This inquisitive mindset can lead to new connections and ideas.
  3. Seek Diverse Experiences: Novel experiences broaden your perspectives, fueling your creative imagination. Travel to new places, read across various genres, engage with people from diverse backgrounds, or try out different cuisines.
  4. Lifelong Learning: Commit to lifelong learning. Stay open to acquiring new skills, knowledge, and experiences. This continuous learning helps maintain a fresh and active mind ripe for creative imagination.

You keep your creative imagination vibrant, versatile, and ready by fostering curiosity. Remember, every great invention, every brilliant piece of art, and every revolutionary idea started with a curious mind.

Cultivating Creativity

Creativity forms the bedrock of the imaginative process, and fostering it can significantly enhance the power of your creative imagination. It translates your intangible thoughts into concrete expressions, cultivating your ability to conceive unique and innovative concepts. Here are some effective strategies to cultivate your creativity:

  1. Immerse in Diverse Art Forms: Explore different artistic disciplines such as poetry, architecture, painting, or music. These arts incite fresh perspectives and can stimulate creative thinking. By appreciating the creativity of others, you can inspire your own.
  2. Free Writing or Drawing: Set aside a specific time for free writing or drawing each day. This unstructured and spontaneous activity allows your thoughts to flow freely, releasing withheld creativity.
  3. Creative Spaces: Designate a space for creative pursuits. This could be a room filled with art supplies, a corner with a musical instrument, or a quiet spot for writing. A dedicated creative space can help invoke your creative spirit.
  4. Collaboration: Engage in group activities that require creative problem-solving. Collaboration exposes you to different ideas and perspectives, stimulating your creative imagination.

Creativity extends beyond art—it applies to every aspect of life. From solving complex problems to making everyday decisions, cultivating creativity can make you a more innovative thinker and help you harness your creative imagination to its fullest potential.

Engaging in Imagination

Engaging in imaginative activities is key to cultivating and strengthening your creative imagination. This practice allows you to flex your imagination, encouraging fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. Here's how you can engage in imagination:

  1. Visualization: This is a powerful tool for mentally simulating a situation, concept, or object. By visualizing, you can explore possibilities, foresee challenges, and create solutions in your mind before taking any real-world actions. Athletes often use this technique to enhance their performance, and artists use it to conceive their creations.
  2. Daydreaming: Contrary to popular belief, daydreaming isn't always a waste of time. It's a spontaneous, self-generated thought that allows your mind to wander freely. This can lead to the birth of original ideas and unique solutions you might not have discovered through analytical thinking alone.
  3. Reading Fiction: Reading fiction is a form of 'indirect' imaginative engagement. As you delve into different worlds, characters, and narratives, you indirectly stimulate your creative imagination, broadening your horizons and fostering empathetic and creative thinking.
  4. Playing 'What If' Games: Regularly challenging yourself with 'what if' scenarios is a great way to stimulate your creative imagination. Pondering hypothetical situations forces you to think outside the box and develop creative solutions.

By regularly engaging in these imaginative exercises, you can effectively cultivate and enhance your creative imagination. Remember, your imagination is like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it gets.

Look With Fresh Eyes

Seeing the world with 'fresh eyes' is a powerful way to harness your creative imagination. This involves perceiving things from a new perspective, challenging preconceived notions, and daring to think differently. Here are some ways to achieve this:

  1. Challenge Assumptions: Question the status quo and challenge established assumptions. This may not only lead to innovative thoughts but can also stimulate out-of-the-box thinking.
  2. Reframe Problems: View obstacles as opportunities and try to reframe problems into challenges. This shift in perspective can spark creative solutions.
  3. Practice Empathy: Try to understand situations from other people's perspectives. This empathetic approach can broaden your worldview and stimulate diverse thought processes.
  4. Explore Multiple Angles: Don't be content with the first solution or idea that comes to mind. Cultivate the habit of considering various facets of a problem or concept.

Keeping your eyes fresh and mind open, you can tap into the depths of your creative imagination, unlocking endless possibilities and fostering innovation. Remember, a fresh perspective is all you need to uncover the hidden gems waiting to be found in the world.

Keeping an Open Mind

Maintaining an open mind is a quintessential prerequisite for fostering your creative imagination. It allows you to explore new ideas, accept differing opinions, and step outside your comfort zone, which can fuel your creativity. Here are some ways to cultivate your creative imagination by keeping an open mind:

  1. Embrace Uncertainty: Instead of fearing the unknown, embrace it. The uncertainty of new experiences can stimulate your imagination, pushing you to think in ways you haven't before.
  2. Welcome Different Perspectives: Seek out and respect opinions that differ from your own. This can give you a broader range of ideas to draw from and enhance your creative thinking.
  3. Be Open to Learning: Maintain a lifelong learner's attitude. This willingness to learn can expose you to many concepts and ideas, feeding your creative imagination.
  4. Experience Diversity: Diversify your experiences and interactions. Engage with different cultures, philosophies, and lifestyles. The more varied your experiences, the richer your imagination becomes.
  5. Question Everything: Adopt a questioning attitude. Explore the ' why ' behind things rather than taking information at face value.

Keeping an open mind facilitates a conducive environment for your creative imagination to flourish. It enables you to see beyond the obvious, question the ordinary, and venture into extraordinary possibilities. Remember, an open mind is the doorway to a world of creative potential.

Celebrate Your Creativity

Part of harnessing your creative imagination involves recognizing and celebrating your creativity. Regardless of the outcome, creating holds intrinsic value and is a testament to your imagination at work. Here are some ways to celebrate your creativity:

  1. Acknowledge Your Effort: Each creative endeavor requires courage and effort. Acknowledge your dedication, irrespective of the result. This fosters a positive mindset and motivates you to continue creating.
  2. Share Your Work: Don't shy away from sharing your creations with others. The feedback and reactions you receive can offer new perspectives and ideas. Your work might inspire others and stimulate their creative imagination.
  3. Reflect on Your Process: Reflect on your creative process. What did you learn? What would you do differently next time? Reflection promotes the growth and refinement of your creative skills.
  4. Reward Yourself: Give yourself a small reward after completing a creative task. This positive reinforcement can elevate your mood and inspire you to tackle your next creative challenge with renewed energy.

Celebrating your creativity will validate your creative journey, nurture your creative confidence, and set the stage for a more vibrant, creative imagination. Embracing and celebrating your creativity is not just about acknowledging your achievements; it's about recognizing the power of your creative imagination and its endless possibilities.


Your creative imagination is not just an intangible concept; it's a powerful force that can transform your personal and professional life. It can turn the ordinary into extraordinary, the mundane into magical, and the routine into remarkable. By nurturing your creative imagination through exercises, fresh perspectives, an open mind, and celebrating creativity, you're not just enhancing your problem-solving skills or improving your innovative thinking but unlocking a world of limitless possibilities. Thus enabling yourself to dream, explore, and create beyond the boundaries of common thought. You're equipping yourself with the ability to look at life through different lenses and to find opportunities where others see none.

But perhaps the most inspiring aspect of your creative imagination is its uniqueness. It's inherently yours - a reflection of your experiences, knowledge, and perspectives. No one else in the world possesses your creative imagination. Therefore, your creativity has the potential to contribute something truly unique and valuable to the world.

So, dare to imagine, create, and share your creativity with the world. Through your unique creative imagination, you can inspire others, make a difference, and leave a lasting impact.

Remember, every incredible creation today began as a mere figment of someone's imagination. So, who's to say what extraordinary creations your nurtured imagination might bring to life? Embrace your creative imagination, cherish it, and let it guide you through uncharted territories. The world awaits your creativity.

Direct download: How_To_Unleash_Your_Creative_Imagination.mp3
Category:Past Shows -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

In one of the most insightful episodes of Killer Innovations, I had the pleasure of hosting Mark Tubinis from Veea. Our conversation revolved around bridging the digital divide with cable technology, particularly in Panama. Mark passionately shared his experiences, recounting how people, for the first time, could use the internet from devices other than just mobile phones. Witnessing this transformation was profoundly moving.

We explored the challenges and opportunities in creating digital identities for individuals without internet access, particularly in rural areas. Mark shared about the innovative use of a prepaid system for home broadband for unbanked populations. This system would allow for budgeting and device streaming, potentially transformative for these communities.

The discussion took us to Indonesia, specifically to its least-connected villages. Mark underscored the urgent need for edge computing and connectivity in these areas. We delved into the Digital Village Project, a consortium of 5,000 villages in Indonesia working to solve connectivity challenges. The sheer scale of the task was sobering, with 75,000 villages needing solutions.

Our conversation then shifted to how innovation can solve such global problems. We highlighted the challenge of providing sustainable, profitable internet infrastructure in developing countries, with a specific look at Indonesia and China. Mark illustrated the potential of Veea’s technology to provide enhanced services, like smart agriculture, in these regions.

The Rural Cloud Initiative aims to bring precision agriculture to farms through partnerships with companies like Microsoft and Honeywell. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to normalize data and make it accessible to farmers, a game-changer for the agriculture sector.

The digital divide and innovation in agriculture was another topic we explored. We discussed the transformative impact of digital innovation in Rwanda, particularly in the fish farming industry, where technology adoption has drastically reduced waste and increased efficiency. Mark agreed that bringing broadband to homes is vital to unlocking the economic potential in certain cultures, emphasizing countries with limited access to power and connectivity.

Our closing thoughts dwelled on the importance of leaving a legacy and making the world a better place through our work. Mark shared his experiences working with innovators like Dean Kaman, making significant contributions to energy innovation.

It was a truly enlightening conversation, reminding us all of the transformative power of innovative technology.


Direct download: Bridging_the_Digital_Divide_with_Innovation_and_Connectivty.mp3
Category:Past Shows -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

I had the pleasure of interviewing Paul Broadhurst, the President and CEO of the Technetix Group. We met in the mobile studio during SCTE Cable-Tec Expo in Denver, CO. Paul shared his excitement about the growing confidence and support in the cable broadband industry. He particularly emphasized the emergence of new vendors and sponsors at the event, a clear indication of the sector's growth trajectory.

One of the main topics we touched upon was DOCSIS 4 and the crucial need for network upgrades. Paul voiced his concerns about a skills shortage in the industry and stressed the importance of upgrading networks to meet DOCSIS 4 requirements. We both concurred on the essential need for future-proof networks.

Paul pointed out an interesting fact - the cable industry needs to employ around 400,000 individuals to finish the required work. He suggested that the focus should be on educating younger individuals to be proficient and effective in the industry. We also spoke about the shift from manual network maintenance to automated systems.

Our conversation moved towards the potential of cable broadband and future trends. As someone who's always been curious about the future of technology, I found Paul's insights particularly compelling. He highlighted the importance of future-proofing networks and possibly upgrading cable networks to 100 Gigabit speeds using existing infrastructure.

Looking ahead, Paul predicts that wireline broadband networks will mature and become more efficient over the next 15 years. He pointed out the possibilities of self-healing capabilities and reduced power consumption, which could be a game-changer for the industry.

Paul envisions an industry with increased competition and innovation driven by new market entrants and federal investment in high-performance networks. We also had an intriguing discussion about the unique culture of the cable industry. We both appreciate its focus on collaboration, trust, and people. There's a friendly and collaborative environment where operators share ideas and meet regularly, with CableLabs playing a crucial role in fostering this culture.

Towards the end of our conversation, Paul expressed his curiosity about the potential for the possibilities with medical monitoring and security.

Reflecting on the interview, Paul's insights and vision for the industry's future showcase his dynamic thinking and leadership, making our conversation a valuable experience for the listener.


Direct download: Exploring_the_Future_of_Cable_Broadband_with_Paul_Broadhurst.mp3
Category:Past Shows -- posted at: 12:00am PDT