Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney
Step into the world of relentless creativity with the Killer Innovations Podcast, hosted by Phil McKinney. Since 2005, it has carved its niche in history as the longest-running podcast. Join the community of innovators, designers, creatives, entrepreneurs, and visionaries who are constantly pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo. Discover the power of thinking differently and taking risks to achieve success. The podcast covers a wide range of topics, including innovation, technology, business, leadership, creativity, design, and more. Every episode is not just talk; it's about taking action and implementing strategies that can help you become a successful innovator. Each episode provides practical tips, real-life examples, and thought-provoking insights that will challenge your thinking and inspire you to unleash your creativity. The podcast archive: About Phil McKinney: Phil McKinney, CTO of HP (ret) and CEO of CableLabs, has been credited with forming and leading multiple teams that FastCompany and BusinessWeek list as one of the “50 Most Innovative”. His recognition includes Vanity Fair naming him “The Innovation Guru,” MSNBC and Fox Business calling him "The Gadget Guy," and the San Jose Mercury News dubbing him the "chief seer."

Experiencing rejection of your idea can feel like a punch to the gut. Whether it's a proposal, a suggestion, or criticism, the initial sting can be hard to shake off. But rejection isn't the end—it's an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Personal Experience

We've all been there. Rejection hurts, but it's not about you—it's about the idea. It's essential to separate your self-worth from your ideas and recognize rejection as a chance to refine and enhance your concept.

Attitudes to Adopt

1: Gain Perspective

Shift your focus from the rejection to what you can learn. Use feedback to improve and explore alternative solutions.

2: Embrace Failure

Failure is a stepping stone to success. Learn from rejections, grow, and persevere.

3: Build Resilience

Develop Resilience to bounce back from setbacks. Reframe your thoughts and focus on growth opportunities.

4: Cultivate a Growth Mindset

See every rejection as a chance to learn and improve. Ask yourself what you can learn from the feedback.

7 Steps To Soliciting Feedback

Over my 30 years in the innovation game, I have had more ideas rejected than I would care to count. However, each rejection has taught me something new about my idea and ultimately helped me improve it.

The journey from conception to realization of an idea is fraught with challenges, not least of which is navigating the sea of opinions, critiques, and suggestions that come your way. How do we solicit this feedback constructively, and how do we move forward with grace and determination?

Here are the seven steps I follow to solicit, analyze, and act on feedback:

Step 1: Identify Your Feedback Circle

Not all feedback is created equal. Begin by identifying individuals whose opinions you value —mentors, peers, or critics with a history of insightful observations. This selective approach ensures that the feedback you receive is relevant and constructive. Remember, the goal is to refine and improve your idea, not to gather as many opinions as possible.

Be careful not to solicit feedback only from people who agree with you. Diverse perspectives can offer valuable insights and help challenge your assumptions.

Step 2: Frame Your Request for Feedback

When soliciting feedback, clarity is key. Be specific about the kind of input you're looking for. Are you seeking thoughts on the feasibility of your idea, its potential impact, or suggestions for improvement? A well-framed question makes it easier for others to provide useful feedback and demonstrates your seriousness about refining your idea.

·        Some sample questions to start with include:

·        What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of this idea?

·        How can I improve upon this concept?

·        Do you have any suggestions for potential challenges or obstacles?

Step 3: Create a Safe Space for Honest Feedback

One of the biggest hurdles to receiving honest feedback is the natural inclination to defend our ideas against criticism. To overcome this, explicitly state your openness to constructive criticism and assure your feedback circle that their honesty is appreciated and essential. This creates an environment where feedback is given and received in the spirit of mutual growth. Remember, feedback is not a personal attack but an opportunity for improvement.

Step 4: Actively Listen and Take Notes

As you receive feedback, engage in active listening. This means focusing entirely on the feedback, asking clarifying questions, and resisting the urge to justify or explain your idea unless asked to do so. Taking notes during this process can help you capture feedback accurately and signal to your feedback providers that you take their input seriously. 

Step 5: Express Gratitude

Whether the feedback is positive or negative, always thank your feedback providers. Acknowledging the time and thought they have invested in helping you fosters goodwill and encourages them to be forthcoming with feedback in the future. Expressing gratitude can also help you maintain a positive attitude toward the feedback and avoid any feelings of defensiveness or negativity.

Step 6: Reflect and Analyze

With feedback in hand, take the time to reflect on what you've heard. Analyze the feedback for common themes or recurring suggestions. It's important to approach this process with an open mind and consider how each feedback piece can strengthen your idea. Remember, the goal is not to please everyone but to consider all perspectives and make informed decisions.

Step 7: Decide and Act

Armed with insights from your feedback, decide which suggestions to implement. Not all feedback will be actionable or align with your vision, and that's okay. The key is to make informed decisions that refine and improve your idea. Then, take action. Implement the changes you've decided on and prepare to iterate further based on new feedback and insights.

Moving Forward with Resilience

Consider the example of Thomas Edison, whose quest to invent the electric light bulb was met with countless failures and rejections. Instead of succumbing to despair, Edison viewed each setback as valuable feedback, famously saying, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." His Resilience and willingness to embrace and learn from rejection ultimately led to one of the most transformative inventions in human history.

Navigating the landscape of feedback and rejection is an integral part of the creative and innovation process. By following a structured approach to soliciting and leveraging feedback, you enhance the quality of your ideas and cultivate a mindset of Resilience and continuous improvement.


Rejection of your ideas isn't personal—it's an opportunity to improve. By adopting a growth mindset, seeking feedback, and taking decisive action, you transform rejection into a powerful tool for development. So, the next time your idea faces resistance, remember: It's not about you. It's about making your idea better.

Direct download: How_to_Handle_Rejection_of_Your_Ideas.mp3
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